Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning

There are many things that are good about technology in the classroom. Although with the good, there always seems to be a bad.  Technology can make the classroom more exciting, along with giving the students something to look forward to.  Technology can also help the teachers stay ahead of the game. The downfall is that technology is changing so fast that it is hard to keep up with.  This would cause many people to worry about how they are going to keep up or if there is something that they are missing, myself included. All in all, technology is like a storm.  The storm gives us the rain we need for our environment but it is also a pain to drive or walk through.  It is just something we need to deal with but there is always a calm in the storm.


  1. I really like the way you worded this. It's very well thought out. I agree with you. You have to take the good with the bad.

  2. I agree with you. I also think technology is good and bad at the same time. And i really like the comparison between technology and a storm.

  3. I enjoyed the storm metaphor, helps put things into perspective :-)

  4. I like your view point and I really like the flow of your post. Very easy to understand and follow.

  5. It's cool that you learned as much as you did about power point. It's also cool that you hyperlinked your powerpoint into your blog.
